About the Server

The public organization "Association of Medical and Pharmaceutical Law" was established in 2020 by the founders of the areas of "pharmaceutical law", "medical law" and "forensic pharmacy" and is an independent association of specialists in the field of health care and law, which works at the intersection of these two important industries. The main goal of the Association is to increase the level of legal education among medical professionals, pharmacists, as well as to disseminate knowledge about legal aspects in medicine and pharmacy among citizens.

The Association actively contributes to the development and implementation of legislative initiatives that ensure the protection of the rights of patients and medical professionals, optimization of the regulatory environment in the pharmaceutical industry, and improvement of the quality of medical services. It also provides a platform for professional communication, exchange of experience, and conducting scientific research in the field of medical and pharmaceutical law.

Membership in the Association is open to lawyers, doctors, pharmacists, scientists, students and other persons interested in studying and improving healthcare legislation. The Association organizes regular seminars, conferences and workshops, providing its members with opportunities for professional growth and development.

Through its activities, the "Association of Medical and Pharmaceutical Law" strives to create a strong and effective legal framework that will contribute to the protection of health and well-being of people in Ukraine.

We also provide free preprint services for scientists. Please send your materials to the email address: preprint@poampl.com.

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